How to Build a Repetitive Putting Stroke

How to Build a Repetitive Putting Stroke

Mastering putting requires a consistent and reliable stroke. In this guide, I’ll dive into the main aspects of building a consistent putting stroke through effective drills. By focusing on key aspects such as setup, putter path, distance control, rhythm, and visualization, you can develop a dependable putting stroke that will translate into improved performance on the greens.

Perfecting Your Putting Setup

A consistent putting stroke starts with a solid setup. By ensuring that your body is aligned correctly, you create a foundation for a repeatable stroke.

Putting Tip 1: Square Your Shoulders and Feet

Begin by positioning your feet shoulder-width apart and aligning your shoulders parallel to the target line. This square setup promotes a natural and repeatable stroke by reducing unnecessary movements. A stable foundation ensures that your stroke starts on the right path.

Use an alignment stick or club to help get your feet and shoulders perfectly aligned. Place the alignment stick parallel to your target. This will help you line up correctly, as sometimes what your eyes see is different to what is happening.

Female golfer practice gate drill on putting green.

Focus on the Putter Path

The path your putter takes during the stroke is crucial for achieving consistency. This drill is designed to groove a smooth and predictable putting path.

Putting Tip 2: Gate Drill

Set up two tees or alignment sticks on the practice green to create a gate slightly wider than the putter head. The objective is to practice stroking the ball through the gate without touching the tees. This drill helps ingrain a straight back-and-through putting motion, promoting a consistent path that minimizes poor strokes.

Build Consistent Distance Control

Consistent distance control is essential for mastering the art of putting. This drill focuses on fine-tuning your ability to control the length of your stroke.

Putting Tip 3: Three-Station Drill

Place three markers at different distances from the hole, representing short, medium, and long putts. Begin by sinking short putts with a smooth and controlled stroke. Progress to the longer putts while maintaining the same rhythm. This drill hones your distance control skills across various lengths, training your muscle memory for different putting scenarios on the course.

Gain Rhythm & Tempo in the Putting Stroke

A rhythmic and well-paced stroke contributes significantly to putting consistency. This drill emphasizes developing a smooth tempo in your putting motion.

Putting Tip 4: Metronome Putting

Utilize a metronome or a smartphone app with a metronome feature. Set it to a comfortable tempo, and practice making your putting stroke match the metronome’s beats. This drill helps ingrain a consistent rhythm into your putting routine, ensuring that your stroke maintains a steady pace, regardless of putt length.

I use the 1-2 method in teaching the pendulum/metronome putting technique. Begin your backswing by counting ‘one.’ As you transition into the downswing, time it so that you reach the ball on ‘two.’ Maintain a smooth tempo, adjusting accordingly based on the length of the putt. This method enhances rhythm, promotes precise timing, and allows for effective speed control, contributing to improved putting performance. This is the website I use and there are several metronome apps available. The 60 bpm setting works great, but you can adjust it slightly to your liking.

Visualizing the Line

Visualization is a powerful tool for building a consistent putting stroke. This drill enhances your ability to visualize and execute a successful putt.

Putting Tip 5: Coin Drill

Place a coin or ball marker on the green about 6 inches in front of the ball on your target line. Focus on rolling the ball over the coin with a smooth stroke. This drill encourages a clean strike and helps you visualize the desired putting line, forming a connection between your mind’s eye and your putting stroke.

Intentional Practice is the Key

Consistency in putting is a result of intentional practice and targeted drills. By perfecting your setup, refining your putting path, mastering distance control, maintaining a smooth rhythm, and visualizing the line, you can build a repetitive stroke that stands up under pressure. Incorporate these drills into your regular practice sessions, and watch as your putting becomes a reliable strength in your golf game. Keep practicing, stay patient, and enjoy the rewards of a consistent putting stroke on the course!

Written by TJ Biggs, The Saturday Golfer Logo